Monday, August 31, 2015

50 x 50 Bucket List Revisited

Well, my Big 5 - 0 has come and gone.  It was awesome!  My celebrations were many and various including:  a scrapbooking convention, a pizza party, a spa day and a trip to the theatre to see a melodrama.  Yeah, I mostly planned my own celebrations, which is totally the way to do things ya'll.  I mean, who else knows exactly what you want as well as you do?  This is why I purchased several of my own presents as well.

Now, it's time to take stock.  Remember my 50 x 50 Bucket List?  It was 50 things to do before I turn 50.  Here is a quick review:

50 Things to do Before I Turn 50

  1. Buy myself 5 Presents 
  2. Do 5 Fun Things 
  3. Organize for 5 Hours 
  4. Scrapbooking for 5 Hours
  5. Writing for 5 Hours 
  6. Try 5 New Things
  7. Re-Connect with 5 Old Friends 
  8. Pampering - 5 Things 
  9. 5 Health Goals 
  10. 5 Spiritual Self-Improvement Goals 

So, how did I do?  Well, unlike my advancing years, I didn't quite make it to 50.  Let's do the math, shall we?

10 points for #1 and #2 - I was all over the presents and the fun.  In fact, I did 5 fun things just this past weekend.  

Only 2 points for #3.  2 months ago I spent 2 hours organizing some of the stuff in my bedroom.  That was it, I never got back to it.  FAIL!
I managed to knock out items #4-8 for a total of 25 points!  Again, I am all over the fun stuff.  Totally nailed it.  I tried new things, I scrapbooked at the convention, I got together with old friends and then there was the spa day.  

My wonderful Mom got us both spa packages and it was A-MAH-ZING!  Why have I not been getting facials all my life?  We went to Highland Spa in Katy, TX so, next time you want to treat yourself, that is the place to go.  

Writing for 5 hours happened basically every week.  I did not find the time to work on my novel, though.  So that will have to be a goal for my next bucket list.  Yes, I've been working on a novel, not recently but I do have several chapters written.  It's a murder mystery set in a small Texas town.  Thanks for asking.  

Then we come to number 9 - total FAIL, zero points.  (insert frowny face here).  I did not manage to meet my weight loss goal but I get partial credit for losing 23 pounds.  If any of you are curious about how I managed to lose 23 pounds in only 4 short months (that is not rapid weight loss people) then I will reveal my amazing weight loss secret.

Drum roll please.........

The secret to slow and steady weight loss is.......

               Diet and exercise!

Kind of anti-climactic, right?

Anyway, it wasn't as much as I was hoping for.  Also, I had hoped to accomplish a few other feats of physical fitness which did not happen.  The best that could be said is that I did attend water aerobics classes as often as I could.  Every so often the pool at the YMCA was closed because of thunder storms.  I took this as a sign from God that I was not meant to exercise on that day.

And finally, #10 - I give myself 3 points - 1 for Bible study, 1 for a daily devotional and 1 for daily prayer.  I fell short in journaling and actually reading the Bible.  

So, where does that leave me?  40 points - only 10 points shy of my goal.  So, my areas of improvement are in cleaning house, losing weight and being a good Christian who journals also.  

Hmmm,  I feel another bucket list coming on.

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