Sunday, June 28, 2015

50 x 50

I have a birthday coming up in two months so I'm getting pretty excited.  I love to get presents.
This birthday is a big one - the big 5 -0.  I'm nervous to admit that but....  too late to take it back now.

And no, I don't plan to be doing any kicking, or stretching, or kicking....  okay, maybe a little stretching but kicking is out of the question. I'm no Sally O'Malley. I'm happy to know that Molly Shannon has beat me to the 50 year mark by almost a year so...  I got that going for me, which is nice.
So, in preparation for my upcoming induction into the land of the elderly, I have decided to create a bucket list. Not a list of Things to do Before I Kick the Bucket, rather a list of 50 Things to do Before I Turn 50.  

You may be thinking, "wait, you've only got two months, there's no way you can finish 50 things in two months." You're right.  Luckily for me, I started this list 2 months ago, so I've had a head start. Currently, I have 25 check marks so I'm half-way there already.  I did make the list fun and easy.  I put a lot of stuff on it that I was going to do anyway so...  I don't know, is that cheating?  Also, I have categorized the list into 10 different areas.  Here's what I have so far:

50 Things to do Before I Turn 50

  1. Buy myself 5 Presents - I've already got this one covered with new clothes and one new pair of shoes, although I'm still in search of the perfect handbag for going to the theatre - something small and elegant but still large enough to hold my cell phone and enough wrapped candy for all my friends and family. What's a trip to the theatre without annoying other people with the sound of our crinkling candy wrappers. 
  2. Do 5 Fun Things - Done and Done! I have been to the movies, more than once.  I have been to see two amazing Musical performances in Houston, Jesus Christ Superstar and The Addams Family Musical.  I have coerced my family into playing board games with me - Munchkin and Clue. And, by "family" I mean not just my husband and two teenage daughters, but also my brother, my Mom and my Dad.  Perhaps it wasn't fun for everyone involved, but it was fun for me so...  5 more check marks!
  3. Organize for 5 Hours - 2 hours done and 3 to go.  Yeah, I'm dragging my feet on this one.
  4. Scrapbooking for 5 Hours - Zero check marks here. This is my favorite hobby.  I have signed up for a big cropping party in August so that should cover this one.  If you don't know what a cropping party is, then you have really been missing out.
  5. Writing for 5 Hours - I could say that I do this every week when I write for my PR clients or for Katy Magazine or for or write in my journal and now I've started this blog so, I don't even know why I put this on here.  
  6. Try 5 New Things - This is all wrapped up and it has also been fun.  I started a book club.  We visited Horseshoe Bay Resort on Lake LBJ and I've never been there.  We visited a Winery, which I have also never done, the Flat Creek Estate Winery in Marble Falls, TX which has an excellent Bistro. I started a new side-job with a PR Firm.  And #5 is I'm going to a new Podiatrist (okay, that one is not so much fun).
  7. Re-Connect with 5 Old Friends - I'm not naming names but, I have done this and it has been great to catch up with people I don't get to see nearly often enough.
  8. Pampering - 5 Things - I had a pedicure a few weeks ago. It's time for another one.  I could do nothing but pedicures all Summer and get this one knocked out.  I have also treated myself to a very expensive Brazilian Blow Out. It did take away the frizz so I think it was worth it.
  9. 5 Health Goals - Since beginning this list 2 months ago, I have lost 15 pounds.  I would like to lose 20 more by my Birthday.  It's not going to be easy - lots of water, lots of salad and no wrapped candy.  Honestly, hard candy is not my thing.  Another health goal that I have met is that I have been going to my water aerobics classes quite regularly. Walking more is another goal that my new podiatrist may help me with.
  10. 5 Spiritual Self-Improvement Goals - I have started a new Bible study at Church.  I have tried to do a daily devotional but sometimes I don't take the time for it.  That's as far as I've gotten.
So, there you have it.  Thanks for sticking with me 'til the end and if you have read this whole thing then, ... Hi, Mom!
Now, leave me a comment.  What's on your bucket list?